An Eyeful of the Storm: Brave Woman Poses in Front of Tornado For Shocking Images

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One brave woman stood in front of the wicked and wild wind of nature’s fury for a series of photographs in front of towering tornados in Kansas.

Elisabeth Brentano fearlessly posed in a wheat field, wearing a white billowy dress, as a funnel cloud loomed before her.

“The photo does look a bit scary,” she told Inside Edition.

She is not a professional model but actually a storm chaser. Fellow storm chaser Mike Mezeul helped her get the shot in Dodge City, Kansas, this past spring.

Brentano posted the spellbinding images on Instagram after she returned from her adventure.

To get her safely in front of a tornado, is pretty hard to do,” he said.

The duo spent a week on the road driving around Kansas waiting for a tornado to strike. When they found it, they had to move quickly.

Read: Storm Chaser Says Dangerous Debris Flew Over His Car While Capturing Tornado

“From a storm chaser’s point of view, it was the perfect storm, because you got to observe Mother Nature doing her thing, without anybody ever being threatened,” he said.

She added: “Being that close in the photo wasn’t that scary to me. I couldn’t really hear it yet, you couldn’t really feel it. You could feel the wind blowing, but it was still very beautiful, almost serene.”

By: Inside Edition3:49 PM EDT, July 13, 2016
Picture: elisabethontheroad – “Have you ever been so mesmerized by an experience that you want to rewind it and replay it over and over and over again? This was one of those once in a lifetime moments where I wish I could have frozen time, because I’m certain I would appreciate it just as much the 100th time as I did the first. Fortunately my buddy @mikemezphoto was there with his camera, and this pic shows what I’m incapable of putting into words. Mike is not only a great photographer, but a wonderful human too. During our weeklong adventure, we logged over 2,000 miles, hit a deer, ate way too many french fries and saw a total of six tornadoes. I wouldn’t have it any other way, and I can’t wait to do it again next year”

the author

Kyrie Wagner

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